воскресенье, 18 октября 2015 г.

BSOP 326 Week 8 Final Exam

1. (TCO 1) Which of the following factors allowed Frederick Taylor's scientific management philosophy to work well at the turn of the 20th century? (Points : 6)
Hourly workers lacked education.

Unionization of workers did not exist.

Hand labor was dominant in manufacturing.

Production quality was of greater concern than production quantity.
Question 2. 2. (TCO 1) Which of the following stakeholders require companies to make long-term commitments to, in the context of total quality? (Points : 6)



All of the above
Question 3. 3. (TCO 2) Which of the following practices would NOT be found in a TQM company?(Points : 6)
Selecting a supplier based entirely on who bids the lowest price on a supply contract

Training suppliers in quality improvement methodology

Retaining suppliers that meet expectations for superior quality

Requiring suppliers to provide proof of capable processes
Question 4. 4. (TCO 2) Which of the following is NOT a purpose of final product inspection? (Points : 6)
To allow other workers to concentrate on output quantity rather than quality

To ensure that no defective items reach the customer

To discover and help resolve production problems

To judge the quality of the manufacturing
Question 5. 5. (TCO 3) In which of the following categories can companies receive a Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award? (Points : 6)
Small business



All of the above
Question 6. 6. (TCO 3) ISO 9000 recertification is required every _____. (Points : 6)
three years

five years

seven years

nine years
Question 7. 7. (TCO 4) _____ considered top management's commitment to quality an absolute necessity for TQM. (Points : 6)



All of the above
Question 8. 8. (TCO 4) The primary reason for Deming's position that slogans should be eliminated is which of the following? (Points : 6)
Most problems are a result of the system and cannot be eliminated without redesigning the system.

Slogans take up valuable space in the production department.

Slogans are costly to maintain and periodically update.

Workers don't always understand the slogans.
Question 9. 9. (TCO 5) Measurable performance levels that define the quality of customer contact with an organization's representatives are known as which of the following? (Points : 6)
Customer contact requirements

Quality function deployments

Indexed service standards

Consumer benefits packages
Question 10. 10. (TCO 5) Which of the following relates to the net present value of the customer?(Points : 6)
The cost to keep the customer minus the cost to replace the customer

The profit gained from the customer minus the cost to keep the customer

The total profits gained from the customer discounted over time

The revenue gained from the customer after deducting rebates
Question 11. 11. (TCO 6) A _____ is an approach that integrates an organization's major goals, policies, and action sequences into a cohesive whole. (Points : 6)



Question 12. 12. (TCO 6) That the leaders develop the ability to inspire their subordinates to exert extraordinary efforts to achieve organizational goals is suggested by the _____ theory of leadership:(Points : 6)


substitutes for leadership

emotional intelligence
Question 13. 13. (TCO 7) Which of the following would not be considered a leading practice in human resource management? (Points : 6)
Promoting teamwork

Encouraging employee empowerment

Being concerned about employee motivation

Focusing on cost control
Question 14. 14. (TCO 7) GE's "Work-Out" program is an example of _____. (Points : 6)
team-based training

360 feedback

performance appraisal

employee involvement
Question 15. 15. (TCO 8) The key stages of a team's life cycle include which of the following? (Points : 6)



All of the above
Question 16. 16. (TCO 8) In firms that implement Six Sigma efforts, _____ are often targeted as future leaders. (Points : 6)
team members

Black belts


Green belts
Question 17. 17. (TCO 9) Which of the following is not part of a process control system? (Points : 6)
Comparison of actual results with the standard

A means of measuring accomplishment

A standard or goal

A backup process
Question 18. 18. (TCO 9) All the following are reasons for high error rates in manual inspection, except for _____. (Points : 6)
high product complexity

high worker turnover

high defect rate

high inspection rate

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